The purpose of this study is to develop a model of curriculums in the department of sports-for-all in University. In order to accomplish this purpose, this study surveyed the role of sports-for-all and its outlooks, curricula of 2 countries, points of view and demands of sports and recreation leader of community, students of department of sports-for-all, based the experts meeting was held to discuss the results from the research. On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, conclusions were made as follows.
The aims of curriculum in the deparment of sports-for-all must clear obectives and a sense of duty, and must be imbued with professional knowledge regarding the various major fields. Furthermore, leaders must be developed who have the ability to adapt themselves to the demands of the sports and recreation field. The objectives of the curriculum in the department of sports-for-all must be fostered with proficiency in organizational administration, teaching ability of leisure and recreation, and the acquisition of knowledge related to sports and recreation.
The contents of the curriculum in the department of sports-for-all must be selected and organized to acquire the professional knowledges for sports and recreation-leader and the skills to effectively perform their duties in actual sports and recreation field.
It is desirable to develop and put into operation, as interrelated fields of sports-for-all: exercise prescription and therapatic specialist course, leisure and recreation specialist course, and administration and management of sport programs` specialist course, sports club specialist course.
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A Study on the Policy of Sports Diplomacy in North Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 북한의 스포츠 외교정책에 관한 연구
이학래HakLaeLee , 김동선DongSunKim
32(1) 19-34, 1993
A Study on the Policy of Sports Diplomacy in North Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 북한의 스포츠 외교정책에 관한 연구
이학래HakLaeLee , 김동선DongSunKim
The purpose of this study is to examine the fundamental features and lines of North Korea`s Sports Diplomacy in accordance with changing progress of her comprehensive diplomatic policy The results of the research are following; The North Korea has maintained the following policies through her sports interchange at the multi-levels: mutual interchange of friendship and athletic skill with communist areas and the emphasis on political propagands effect forward Middle-East, while the friction-and power-aggrandizement against South Korea in both Asian and Western areas.
Therefore, we find that North Korea will concentrate on the substantial development of Sports diplomatic relations and the extention of sports cooperation as follows;
First, North Korea will put the most critical emphasis on the sports exchange with Japan.
Second, broader sports interchange with U. S. A. will be seaten as one of the major goals o diplomacy in North Korea.
Third, we can prospect that North Korea will do more active sports diplomacy with Western areas.
And finally, North Korea will still keep her traditional relations with Socialist States and strengthen the solidarity with them, which will prohibit people in North Korea from being agitated within the own opening system through her interchange and extention of sports with Western Areas.
In conclusion, sports diplomacy in North Korea will have twofold-oriented policy, which will strengthen the sports interchange with Socialist Areas while striving the sports interchange with Western Areas including Japan and U.S.A.
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Organizing principles on the control of arm movement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 팔움직임 제어의 조직원리에 관한 연구
김귀봉GuiBongKim , 윤기운GeeWoonYoon
32(1) 35-46, 1993
Organizing principles on the control of arm movement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 팔움직임 제어의 조직원리에 관한 연구
김귀봉GuiBongKim , 윤기운GeeWoonYoon
The purpose of study was explored complex kinematic and dynamic problem on the control of planar arm movement.
Twelve male students seved as subjects. The apparatus used in this study was hand position transducer(Hogan, 1984).
The kinematics parameters investigated were hand path, the speed of hand, accleration, angular velocity, angular displacement, angular accleration, and the dynamic parameters were force of hand, foerarm, shoulder, the results of study was as follows:
1. The path of the limb for point movement was straight line path.
2. The shape of the limb path was invariant at different orientation, different locations, different speed, different loads.
3. The curvature peakcoincided with the valley in the velocity profile for point to point movement.
4. The tangential velocity of hand was exhibited two peaks or one peak.
These features showed the planning in terms of the coordinates of hand for planar point to point arm movement, and suggested CNS used strategies for trajectory formation which simplify dynamic computation.
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인문 · 사회과학편 : 수업능력향상과 교사현장연구
32(1) 47-55, 1993
인문 · 사회과학편 : 수업능력향상과 교사현장연구
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The Effects of teachers' Feedback Intervention on motor - on - task behavior of student in elementary phycisal Education classes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육 교사의 피드백 간여가 학습자의 과제 수행 행동에 미치는 영향
32(1) 57-65, 1993
The Effects of teachers' Feedback Intervention on motor - on - task behavior of student in elementary phycisal Education classes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육 교사의 피드백 간여가 학습자의 과제 수행 행동에 미치는 영향
This study examined the effects of teachers` feedback intervention on motor-on-task behaviors of students.
Three randomly selected, experienced (average 11years teaching) elementary school teachers from P school in seoul, KOREA, were invited to participate in the study.
Each teacher was asked to plan and implement an instructional unit with the same goals to three separate Grade 2 classes(Fundamental movements and game) Class sige varied from 50 to 60 students. Three middle-skilled subjects from each classes were selected and coded by trained observers using the Academic Learning Time-physical Education system.
A multiple basetime research design across teachers was used to evaluate the effects of feedback to teachers of behavioral data gathered in basetime lessons.
Three teachers received such feedback increased the amount of time students spent in motor-on-task behavior(+20%).
The students showed that although there were considerable differences in how physical education lessons were implemented, the how intervention teachers were able to respond to feedback and to modify their lessons so that the amount of student participation was increased.
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A Search for Control Variables in Jumping Movement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 뛰기동작(動作)의 조절변인(調節變因)에 관한 연구(硏究)
32(1) 67-76, 1993
A Search for Control Variables in Jumping Movement 인문 · 사회과학편 : 뛰기동작(動作)의 조절변인(調節變因)에 관한 연구(硏究)
Jumping movement is one of the basic skills in sports. Very few control mechanics of the multi-segmental movement like jumping were found. This study was designed to find out how to control the jumping height. The jumping height is determind by the net impulse which created by force and force application time. The problems to solve in this study was what is the control variables: the amount of force or the force application time. How these two variables were controled in the negative impulse and positive impulse which were included in jumping reaction impulse.
The reaction force time curves were measured using force platform in four occasions : maximum jump, submaximum jump, maximum jump with limited movement time and submaximum jump with limited movement time.
Nine P. E. students were served as subjects. They performed each jumping five times every other days. The time of the events in the reaction force time histories, maximum and minimum reaction forces, the shape of the curves and movement times were analyzed.
The movement time was the major control variables of the jumping height. As the jumping height increasing the negative impulse and positive impulse at the same time. The maximum force and the minimum force were slightly decreased as height increment. These results were unexpected because both negative and positive impulse could be increased and unchanged the net impulse. However the shape of negative impulse was minimal. On the contrary, the application time of the submaximum forces in the positive impulse increased and kept the shape as the trapezoidal shape and the impulse was maximized. In this way the net impulse was increased as the jumping height was increased.
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The study of the Aesthetic value in dance-art 인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용예술(舞踊藝術)의 미적가치(美的價値)에 관한 연구(硏究)
32(1) 77-83, 1993
The study of the Aesthetic value in dance-art 인문 · 사회과학편 : 무용예술(舞踊藝術)의 미적가치(美的價値)에 관한 연구(硏究)
John Dewey told that the fundamental objective of the art-work`s creation and appreciation is to seek aesthetic quality and the meaning of aesthetic objects, reconstruct then by oneself, generalize them, and consquently try to aesthetic value orientation through the activities of value research.
In view of pursuing the aesthetic value, the effective activities of aesthetic value research occupies important position, especially limitting the aesthetic value object to dance-art.
In this respect, the purpose of study is to help choreographers, dancers and audience to understand effectively the aesthetic value of dance-art.
The major contents of my study are as follows;
First, try to define, arrange the essence and the characteristics of dance-art. Second, try to understand better the structure of the aesthetic aspects of dance and the general aesthetic value in art. Third, try to find the aesthetic value of dance art in detail.
This study is expected to be helpful for choreographers, dancers and audience to appreciate the dance-art-work effectively through the better understanding of the aesthetic value in dance-art.
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The Study of Relationship Between 인문 · 사회과학편 : KINESICS 분석에 의한 유도 경기직전 임장행위와 승패 간의 관계 연구
32(1) 85-90, 1993
The Study of Relationship Between 인문 · 사회과학편 : KINESICS 분석에 의한 유도 경기직전 임장행위와 승패 간의 관계 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the type of competitive gesture and the effect of nonverbal behavior immediatily before Judo match on the state of win or loss using kinesics analysis through maked observation of video film. Subjects for study were college and adults Judo male players who participated in ‘92 national sports festival, all match cases for kinesics analysis were 74 events.
The following conclusion were made :
1) Nonverbal behavior on the state of win were mainly spontaneous gestures, but on the state of loss were mainly the gross movement.
2) On the state of win, gesture were mainly action to seize competitor by the arms, beside on the state of loss were almost unnecessary motion which throw up or open one’s arms.
3) On the state of win, nonverbal behavior were mainly cautiously gesture, but on the state of loss were passive or threat motions.
Above results suggested that kinesics analysis can be applied on the expectation of win or loss and detected psychological condition of competitor in sport competition.
So, the kinesics analysis can be used on the other sport events(penalty kick, free throw in basketball, archery shooting, tennis servise etc.).
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A study of Introductory Process and Developmental Phenomena of Physical Education in Late 20th Century of Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국근대체육(韓國近代體育)의 도입과정(導入過程)과 전개양상(展開樣相) - 병자수호조(丙子修好條)에서 한일합방(韓日合邦)까지를 중심(中心)으로 -
32(1) 91-109, 1993
A study of Introductory Process and Developmental Phenomena of Physical Education in Late 20th Century of Korea 인문 · 사회과학편 : 한국근대체육(韓國近代體育)의 도입과정(導入過程)과 전개양상(展開樣相) - 병자수호조(丙子修好條)에서 한일합방(韓日合邦)까지를 중심(中心)으로 -
This study was to investigate the introductory process of physical education and its development during the period of establishment of Western-style school system.
The turning point into the modern period in Korean history had been investigated by international treaties with other countries and equalitarianism such as Dong-Hak ideology. Open-door years following the treaty with Japan in 1876 are called the modern period of Korea.
Appearance of school physical education had been put in force by nationalistic feeling and enlightenment. In step with this kind of nationalistic mood, Tong-Rae Martial Art School in 1878 and Won-San School in 1883 were established. Since martial physical education has been included in the regular curriculum, school physical education of Western style came into promi-nence.
Christian schools established by foreign missionaries such as Bae-Jae School, E-Hwa School, and Underwood School had introduced Western sports in their curricular. As an aftermath of the educational edict promulgated by King Ko-Jong, government-sponsored primary, secondary, and normal schools had begun to introduce gymnastics into their regular program. Extra-curricular activities, athletic meets, and sports clubs had brought about social cohesion and modernistic athletic culture in Korea. In addition, a traditional view for women had been changed owing mainly to a new athletic culture, eqalitarianism, and equal social participation.
As an element of resistance movement following the loss of national rights, physical education was emphasized over intellectual education. And playful activities, military gymnastics, and school gymnastics had begun to be included in required courses. Thus the subject of physical education has been rooted in school system. Furthermore, outdoor activities, athletic meets had been utilized in full, encouraging patriotism and nationalistic cohesion among community members.
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A Research into Health Tae Kwon Do (Focuseg on Dongheybo gom) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道)의 위생(衛生) 성립(成立)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) (동의보감(東醫寶鑑)을 중심(中心)으로)
하태은TaeYeenHa , 윤공화GongHwaYoun
32(1) 111-126, 1993
A Research into Health Tae Kwon Do (Focuseg on Dongheybo gom) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道)의 위생(衛生) 성립(成立)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) (동의보감(東醫寶鑑)을 중심(中心)으로)
하태은TaeYeenHa , 윤공화GongHwaYoun
Till now, I briefly inquired into the thought on health, the idea about a man’s well being and do-in methods, based on the 「Dong Eui Bo Gam」.
Accordingly health was connected with not only simply physical macrobiosis but also man’s ideal aspect.
As i already clearned in my works, A study for a Taekwondo hygiene-motions, 「Dong Eui Bo Gam」gave a large effect on the idea about a man’s well being.
In this means, comprehension of Dong Eui bo Gam will prove out not only medical world but modern medical hygiene.
1. The thought on health of Dong Eui Bo Gam had an effect on the thought of 「Chon-in-hab-il(which can be understood as means of following text : put together heavem and human being」, which regards the human being as harmony between body and mind for microcosm with heaven and earth for superclossal cosmoss.
2. The idea about a man’s well being of 「Dong Eui Bo Gam」 increse essence and spirit and god, which could be considered as three theasure of human being.
These principle have an effect on theory of Do-in at a hygiene Thekwondo.
3. Do-in methods of 「Dong Eui Bo Gam」, as rational movement of curing body and preventive medicine, have been helping that be fixed with widly recretional living athelic connected with hygiene Thekwondo from the baby tl old age.
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A Study on the Re - interpretation of Plato's View of Mind - Body Problem and Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 플라톤 체육사상의 대안적 해석에 관한 연구
32(1) 127-133, 1993
A Study on the Re - interpretation of Plato's View of Mind - Body Problem and Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 플라톤 체육사상의 대안적 해석에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to critically examine and to suggest the real understanding and the implications, for physical education from the view of Plato’s mind-body theory and philosophy. For doing this, literature concerning Plato and recent studies about Plato’s view of physical education were analyzed critically.
The following aspects were identified:
1) Although Plato insisted the mind-body dualism, he concerned and asserted the functional relationship between mind and body.
2) For Plato, the value and importance of physical education from the educational goals for man were stressed in the practice.
3) For Plato’s view of mind-body problem, it applied to physical education as the concept of mind-body unit.
In conclusion. it would be asserted that while Plato insisted the mind-body dualism from the metaphysical position, he applied to the educational context the mind-body unification. In addition, physical education would be the basic component for education. In this aspect, physical education in modern time would have these implications for developing theory and practive in the field of physical education.
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A Study on the Activation of Physical Education of University for the Development of Sport for All 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육활동성화(社會體育活動性化)를 위(爲)한 대학체육(大學體育) 실태연구(實態硏究)
32(1) 135-153, 1993
A Study on the Activation of Physical Education of University for the Development of Sport for All 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육활동성화(社會體育活動性化)를 위(爲)한 대학체육(大學體育) 실태연구(實態硏究)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the activation of physical education of university for the development of sports for all. Subjects are 1,009 university students(male:529, female:480) in Kwangju city and Chon-bug province. We used questionnaire that consists of 6 domain and 28 questions. The results of this study are as follows:
1. Most of students(77.7%) take the course of physical education, think that it is the means of recreation, and are satisfied with it. Moreover, they want it to be the required subject.
2. The reason in which students participate in physical activities is to maintain their health and to improve their fitness and the reason in which they do not in physical activities is lack of skill particurly in female. Most of students want to take the many subjects related to sports.
3. Most of students want the activation of sports for all because they think of it as the means of the relization of personal health and happiness, and their satisfaction with the community facilities for sports is remarkably low.
4. They think a variety of facilities should be establish near cities and they intend to train their sound mind and body through the participation in sports.
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Study on the Social Physical Education Leaders' View of Their Profession and Their Working Conditions 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육지도자의 직업관 및 업무환경에 관한 연구
32(1) 155-168, 1993
Study on the Social Physical Education Leaders' View of Their Profession and Their Working Conditions 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육지도자의 직업관 및 업무환경에 관한 연구
This study is an attempt to survey on the social physical education leaders’ view of their profession and their working conditions with the subjects of professional leaders of physical education who are working at the public and commercial Sports facilities located in Seoul. The research findings are as follows:
1. The View of their profession
1) The motivation to become physical education leaders is revealed to its conformity to his/her majored fields(50.3%) and it will be succesful job(50.8%).
2) On the type of their imployment 50.8% of all answer was made through introduction by his/her school seniors or relatives, and 27.1% of those were employed by the open test.
3) On the question whether they will continue their profession or not, 42.7% of the qualified leaders and 55.6% of the non-qualified leaders expressed their consideration of leaving their present jobs.
2. Working Conditions
1) Among the subjects surveyed, 91.0% shows positively that they are proud of their jobs as a physical education leaders, while 57.6% shows also positively that they feel rewarded for the work they are doing.
2) About the degree of satisfaction on their pay, those who majored in a special field show 26.2% of dissatisifaction, while those who didn’t major in a special field show 19.6% of dissatisfaction.
3) The criterion to personnel decisions is shown to be greatly dependent on their achievements or factors related to their professional performance. When compared with other working places on the personnel matters, 45.7% of the subject shows a strong sense of dissatisfaction.
4) About the welfare system, the female leaders(62.5%) are shown to have more dissatisfaction than the male leaders(47.6%).
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The Effect of the Types of Goal Setting and KR on the performance of an Endurance Task 인문 · 사회과학편 : 목표설정과 결과지식의 부여방법이 지구력 과제 학습에 미치는 영향
32(1) 169-179, 1993
The Effect of the Types of Goal Setting and KR on the performance of an Endurance Task 인문 · 사회과학편 : 목표설정과 결과지식의 부여방법이 지구력 과제 학습에 미치는 영향
This study was intended to demonstrate the effect of learning performance from an empirical research data. The goal setting and knowledge of result have a mutual influence upon endurance task performance of middle school male-students, especially the fact that interaction of both goal setting and knowledge of result directions(positives, negatives) have more influenced enough improvement in endurance task performance than control groups have practiced.
The fact that an experiment with endurance task as a motor performance have influenced to students on the two conditions(positives, negatives of K.R) was due to the concepts of personal self-motivation or self-efficacy.
From above facts, the summary of this experimental study were as follows ;
1. I showed that the influence of goal setting and knowledge of result directions(positives, negatives) interacted to induce strong learning effects of endurance task performance of middle school male-students.
2. Though the effects of goal setting methods and knowledge of result directions on motor performance, especially the learning effects were much improved when the negative situations in directions of knowledge of result more effective than positive situations were.
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A study on the current research trend and future research direction in sport and leisure studies 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육의 연구동향과 학문적 과제
32(1) 181-187, 1993
A study on the current research trend and future research direction in sport and leisure studies 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육의 연구동향과 학문적 과제
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the current research trend of sport and leisure studies and, based upon the finding, to suggest the future research direction. In order to meet this purpose, the following three subsequent research questions were questioned and these were: 1) What are the general research trends of sport and leisure studies and frequent research theme?, 2) What kinds of methodologies are employed for the research? 3) What art the problems for the enhancement of body of knowledge in the field of sport and leisure studies?
Primary methodology for this study was to investigate 96 research articles and notes published in two major journals related in sport and leisure studies for the last 9 years in terms of research theme, methodology and statistical application, The major findings obtained from this study were following. First, it was found that major research eategory of the investigated research products was a review of literatures or position paper Second, in terms of statistical method of the articles utilizing some sort of statistics, it was found that half of the articles are merely based upon descritive statistics and very few of them were utilizing advanced statistics.
Based upon these findings and within limitations of this study, it was concluded that research products in the field of sport and leisure studies are in an infant stage. It was also suggested that a more regorous research method should be applied for the better understanding of human leisure and sport behavior and some practical methodologies were presented.
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A Scheme for Efficient Residence Hall Management 인문 · 사회과학편 : 효율적인 생활관 운영을 위한 방안
김병식ByeongSigKim , 홍순모SoonMoHong
32(1) 189-199, 1993
A Scheme for Efficient Residence Hall Management 인문 · 사회과학편 : 효율적인 생활관 운영을 위한 방안
김병식ByeongSigKim , 홍순모SoonMoHong
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The Device An Only A Children's Educational Pronontion Of Sport For All 인문 · 사회과학편 : 생활체육 조기교육 활성화를 위한 방안
32(1) 201-210, 1993
The Device An Only A Children's Educational Pronontion Of Sport For All 인문 · 사회과학편 : 생활체육 조기교육 활성화를 위한 방안
The purpose of the study was to present a study on the promotion of sport for all for children.
The early education of physical activity have important meaning in physically, psychologically, and socially. That will be the most effect method for education for the whole man.
Therefore, to promote of sport for all for children several suggestion are proposed as follows:
1. It is necessary for children and parents to perceive the importance of physical activity for children.
2. There must prepare the facilities that is based on sport for all for children.
3. The leader who have ability must be arranged in kinder garden and elementary school.
4. To exploit and diffuse the proper program for children.
5. There must strengthen the publicity activities.
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The influences of the obesity on the blood component, cardiovascular and Respiratory Functions 자연과학편 : 비만(肥滿)이 혈액성분(血液成分)과 순환(循環) 및 호흡(呼吸) 기능(機能)에 미치는 영향(影響)
32(1) 213-230, 1993
The influences of the obesity on the blood component, cardiovascular and Respiratory Functions 자연과학편 : 비만(肥滿)이 혈액성분(血液成分)과 순환(循環) 및 호흡(呼吸) 기능(機能)에 미치는 영향(影響)
This paper is an attempt to study the influences of the obesity on the blood component, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Functions of 13 obesity Group students, 20 General Group students, and 20 Athletic group students among male students of 19 to 25 ages. The results are as followings ;
1. General Group students’ Fat is accumulated especially at the abdominal part in the body.
2. All the groups Glucose is normal in 12 hours Fasting and 2 hours post prandial. But in Fasting Glucose there is a significant difference Statistically on the P<.05 level mong the Group.
3. Hematocrit and Hemoglobin are normal among three groups, but there are significant differences statistically on the P<.001 and P<.01 levels among obesity group students, general group students and athletic group students.
4. HDL-C and LDL-C are all normal, and there are no significant differences among the groups, but HDL-C is high in athletic group students, LDL-C is high in obesity group students, HDL-C and LDL-C are middle level.
5. There is a significant difference statistically of total cholesterol on the P<.001 level among the groups, but all there groups are normal. But five students among thirteen obesity group students are over 200㎎/dl in total cholesterol, so they are abnormal.
6. There are significant differences of Triglyceride on the P<.001 level among three groups. General group and athletic group are normal groups. But nine students in obesity gruop students are abnormal and one student is border line-abnormal.
7. Blood pressure of three groups are normal, but there are significant differences statistically on the P<.001 level, pulse rate of obesity group students is high, pulse rate is Athletic group students is low and general group students pulse rate is normal.
8. The Lung functions of athletic group students are excellent, obesity group students are lower than general group students’.
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The study on Anaerobic Threshold Level in Irregular Load Exercise 자연과학편 : 변칙 부하 운동시 무산소성 역치 수준변화에 관한 연구
32(1) 231-249, 1993
The study on Anaerobic Threshold Level in Irregular Load Exercise 자연과학편 : 변칙 부하 운동시 무산소성 역치 수준변화에 관한 연구
The purpose: of this study was to investigate the establishment of index composed contents on special endurance training method for soccer players.
Subjects, 10 male students of H University, were cluster samples and they completed a graded exercise protocol to maximal physical work capacity on a treadmill to determine anaerobic threshold, and then anaerobic threshold level the whold running distance (45min) using a bicycle ergometer.
After progressive & irregular load exercise, the results were analyzed of the value of max. (HRmax, VO2max, Vemax Lactate max) and anaerobic threshold level(MV, Lactate).
The results were as follow :
1. Anaerobic Threshold Level of Progressive & Irregular Load Exercise
1) Heart Rate
The progressive load exercise in AT level showed 171.21 beats /min at 29’5", and irregular load exercise showed 169.00 beats/min at 6’00", 182.40 beats/min at 22’30", 180.90 beats /min at 26’30", 183.60 beats /min at 30’00", 41’30", and 171.00 beats /min at 43’00".
2) VO₂
The progressive load exercise in AT level showed 36.82 VO₂ ㎖/㎏·min at 26’00", but irregular load exercise showed. 36.26 VO₂ ㎖/㎏·min at 2’00". 37.29 VO₂ ㎖/㎏·min at 5’30", 39.87 VO₂ ㎖/㎏·min at 22’30". 41.24 VO₂ ㎖/㎏·min at 40’00", 38.00 VO₂ ㎖/㎏·min at 45’00".
3) MV
The progressive load exercise in AT level showed 60.71 ℓ/min at 28’55", but irregualr load exercise showed 62.26 ℓ/min at 6’00", 63.81 ℓ/min at 9’00", ℓ/min at 37’00", 61.27 ℓ/min at 39’00", and 60.45 ℓ/min at 45’00".
4) Lactate
The progressive load exercise in AT level showed 4.18 mmolℓ/ at 25’00", but irregular load exercise showed 4.17 mmol ℓ/ at 5’00", 4.13 mmolℓ/ at 24’00" and 4.05 mmolℓ/ at 35’00".
2. The Value of Max. of Progressive & Irregular load Exercise
In the level of HRmax, progressive, load exercise showed 206.00 beats /min, and irregular load exercise showed 200.30 beats /min.
In the level of HR2max, progressive load exercise showed 64.20 VO₂ ㎖/㎏·min, and progressive load exercise showed 49.40 VO₂ ㎖/㎏·min.
In the level of MVmax, progressive load exercise showed 128.40 ℓ/min, but irregular load exercise showed 87.80 ℓ/min.
In the level of Lactate max, progressive load exercise showed 8.74 mmalℓ/, and irregular load exercise showed 4.52 mmalℓ/.
Key Words
A Study on the determination of Training Intensity in Athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수들의 훈련강도 설정에 관한 연구
32(1) 251-272, 1993
A Study on the determination of Training Intensity in Athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수들의 훈련강도 설정에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to develope of determination of training intensity in athleter.
Laboratory assessements were made on 144 highly trained athletes. Each subjects completed a continuous multi - stage treadmill running exercise procedure designed to achieve maximum oxygen uptake and performed the maximal exercise test on Monark bicycle erogmeter.
Ventilatory threshold were determined an directly from the first and second breaks in plot of VE vs VO₂. And Computer program has been developed ambiguous.
As the results of this study : Conclusions were obtained as follows : The average range of the maximal oxygen uptake were 54.6∼79.8㎖/㎏/min in male athletes and 55.3∼73.3㎖/㎏/min in female athletes.
The ventilatory threshold(VT) was expressed by a percent of VO₂max. It was 76.0% in marathoners, 73.3% in long distance runners, 81% in rower, 81.7% in swimmer, 77.5% in modern pentathlon, 83% in judoist, and 78.2% in wrestlers that had occured in maximum oxygen uptake.
The rusults of this study indicated that ventilatory threshold(VT) is a better index than any others in training and evaluation for performance of athletes.
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The Change of Water, Electrolytes and Hormone in Some Ssirum player's Weight Re-duction 자연과학편 : 씨름 선수(選手)의 체중감량(體重減量)에 따른 수분(水分), 전해질(電解質) 및 호르몬의 변화(變化)
고영호YoungHoKo , 이상행SangHaingLee
32(1) 273-288, 1993
The Change of Water, Electrolytes and Hormone in Some Ssirum player's Weight Re-duction 자연과학편 : 씨름 선수(選手)의 체중감량(體重減量)에 따른 수분(水分), 전해질(電解質) 및 호르몬의 변화(變化)
고영호YoungHoKo , 이상행SangHaingLee
The purpose of this thesis is to study how the weight reduction has changed water, electrolytes and hormone in Ssirum players. For this experiment, urine and blood of 9 Ssinum players were selected. They were classified as normal condition, 3㎏-reduced condition, 5㎏-reduced condition and recovering condition.
Water, electrolytes, and hormone were chemically analyzed and compared.
The result is as follows :
1. Urine volume is significantly decreased in weight-reduced condition, and significantly increased in recovering condition.
2. The creatinine of urine is insignificantly shown in weight-reduced condition, but in is significantly decreased in 3㎏-reduced condition and recovering condition,
3. Osmolality concentration, sodium and chloride of urine are significantly changed in reduced condition and recovering condition.
4. The potassium of urine is significantly decreased in 3㎏-reduced condition, but there is on difference in 5㎏-reduced condition.
5. Plasma Anti-Durectic Hormone (ADH) is increased in reduced condition, but there is little significant difference between reduced and recovering conditions.
6. The change of Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) is significantly increased in reduced condition, but it is significantly increased in recovering condition.
7. Water and electrolytes in recovering condition are quickly normalized, but hormone is relatively slowly normalized.
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The effect of foot according to ground reaction force parameters in running 자연과학편 : 달리기에서 바닥에 작용되는 힘의 변화가 발에 미치는 영향
홍성표SeongPyoHong , 이순호SoonHoLee
32(1) 289-301, 1993
The effect of foot according to ground reaction force parameters in running 자연과학편 : 달리기에서 바닥에 작용되는 힘의 변화가 발에 미치는 영향
홍성표SeongPyoHong , 이순호SoonHoLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinetic characteristic vector components on ground reaction force.
1. At vector components of vertical forcc(Fz), no significant differences observed for normal lst max value, but significant different was observed for normal time to 1st max value and normal slope of lst max value.
And significant differences observed for normal 2nd max value, but no significant differences observed for normal time to 2nd max value, normal slope of 2nd max value and normal 2nd max impulse.
2. No significant differences were observed for anteriorposterior force.
3. No significant differences were observed for mediolateral force.
4. Ground reaction force were influence on running speed, form of ground and running style.
Key Words
Effects of Intensity and Duration of Aerobic Exercise on Metabolic and Hormonal Responses 자연과학편 : 전신지구력 훈련의 강도와 시간이 에너지 대사 및 호르몬 반응에 미치는 효과
The Purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of intensity and duration on metabolic and hormonal responses during three types of aerobic exercises.
Ten healthy college males took all of the three exercises at 85% of VO₂max for 25 min, at anaerobic threshold for 40 min, and at 40% of VO₂max for 60 min on the bicycle ergometer. The volumes of these exercise were 400 ㎉ per day.
The heart rate and oxygen consumption were recorded at 20 sec intervals by EKG and metabolic analyzer system. The concentration of catecholamines was analyzed in radioenzymatic method by HPLC.
The results of this paper were summarized as follows.
1. The heart rate went on increasing during all three exercises without steady states(p<0.01).
2. The steady state of O₂ consumption during exercises at 40% of VO₂max for 60 min and anaerobic threshold for 40 min was maintained, but was not observed during the exercise at the 85% of VO₂max for 25 min(p<0.01).
3. The O₂ pulse decreased after 30 min of the anaerobic threshold exercise significantly(p<0.05), but non-significant differences of O₂ pulse between the durations of exercises were observed during the exercises at 40% and of VO₂max.
4. Significant increases were observed in the concentrations of catecholamines during the exercises at anaerobic threshold and 85% of VO₂max(p<0.05), but not at 40% of VO₂max.
5. Higher concentrations of catecholamines were observed in the immediate post exercise at 85% of VO₂max for 25 min than the other two exercise(p<0.05).
Key Words
Changes of power output, blood lactate concentration, and activity of plasma CPK and LDH in anaerobic exercise 자연과학편 : 무산소성 운동시 파워, 혈중 젖산농도, 크레아틴인산효소 및 젖산탈수소효소 활성도의 변화
32(1) 317-326, 1993
Changes of power output, blood lactate concentration, and activity of plasma CPK and LDH in anaerobic exercise 자연과학편 : 무산소성 운동시 파워, 혈중 젖산농도, 크레아틴인산효소 및 젖산탈수소효소 활성도의 변화
This study analysed the changes of power output, blood lactate concentration, and plasma enzyme activity, and the relationship of these parameters.
1. Peak power output and mean power output of 10sec anaerobic exercise showed the highest values among a various anaerobic exercise, and fatigue index of l0sec anaerobic exercise showed the lowest value.
2. In peak value of blood lactate, values of 60sec and 90sec anaerobic exercise were significantly higher than the other types of anaerobic exercise. Peak values of blood lactate after l0sec and 30sec anaerobic exercise were a significantly higner than the rest value, but it cannot showed the sufficient activation, of lactate metabolism.
3. Activity of plasma creatine phosphokinase showed a significant increase after anaerobic exercise, and the increase of l0sec and 30sec anaerobic exercise were higher than the other anaerobic exercise. Activities of plasma lactate dehydrogenase showed a significant increase after anaerobic exercise, but the increase of 60sec and 90sec anaerobic exercise were higher than the other anaerobic exercise.
4. In 60sec and 90sec anaerobic exercise, peak value of blood lactate concentration showed a significant correlation to the fatigue index and peak value of plasma LDH activity.
Key Words
The Effects of Distance Runners' Detraining on the Serum Lipid Metabolism 자연과학편 : 중장거리(中長距離) 육상선수(陸上選手)들의 훈련중지(訓練中止)가 혈청(血淸) 지질대사(脂質代謝)에 미치는 영향(影響)
김종훈JongHoonKim , 차광석KwangSukCha , 조정호JungHoCho
32(1) 327-340, 1993
The Effects of Distance Runners' Detraining on the Serum Lipid Metabolism 자연과학편 : 중장거리(中長距離) 육상선수(陸上選手)들의 훈련중지(訓練中止)가 혈청(血淸) 지질대사(脂質代謝)에 미치는 영향(影響)
김종훈JongHoonKim , 차광석KwangSukCha , 조정호JungHoCho
This study attempts to identify the effects of distance runners’ detraining on the serum lipid metabolism. To do this, the sample of 22 athletes are divided into three groups : the group without any change in their exercise and diet ; the group who stop exercise and reduce the intake of food: and the group who keep exercising but reduce the intake of food. These three groups are repeatedly compared and measured for twelve weeks to see cardiovascular organs and during exercise through different types of training, which leads to following conclusions.
1. For twelve weeks, groups of Training I and Training II show the tendency of decreased serum Total Cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol, while the group of Detraining revealed increased serum Total Cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol. The differences among three groups appeared statistically significant at 0.05 level, but the differences between training periods and the interaction effects between the groups and the periods are not statistically significant.
2. For twelve weeks, groups of Training I and Training II show the tendency of increased serum HDL-Cholesterol, while the group of Detraining revealed decreased serum HDL-Cholesterol, while the group of Detraining revealed decreased serum HDL-Cholesterol. The differences among three groups appeared statistically significant at 0.05 level, but the differences between training periods and the interaction effects between the groups and the periods are not statistically significant.
3. For twelve weeks, groups of Training I and Training II show the tendency of decreased serum Triglycerides and TC/HDL-C Ratio, while the group of Detraining revealed increased serum Triglycerides and TC/HDL-C Ratio. The differences among three groups and the interaction effects between the groups and the periods appeared statistically significant at 0.05 level, but the differences between training periods are not statistically significant.
4. These serum lipid lipoproteins which affect VO₂max are Total Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol and TC/HDL-C Ratio. (P<0.05)
Key Words
Serum Lipid Metabolism, Detraining, VO2max
The influence of serum lipids on blood pressure during exercise in essential hypertension 자연과학편 : 본태성 고혈압환자에서 운동중 혈청지질이 혈압에 미치는 영향
In essential hypertension, to see the influence of serum lipids on blood pressures during exercise, 40 normotensives and 21 hypertensives were subjected to measure serum TCH, HDL-C, LDL-C, TCH/HDL-C and TG and to measure blood pressures, heart rate and myocardial oxygen consumption before, during and after exercise.
All of the results are followed by:
1. Cholesterol concentrations and body fat were slightly increased in hypertensives compared with normotensives but it had no significant differences, and triglycerides in hypertensives (177±18.15㎎/dl) was significantly increased compared with normotensives(129.2±9.17㎎/dl) (p<0.05).
2. Heart rate before, during, and after exercise had no significant differences between hypertensives and normotensives, but the rate of increase of heart rate was slightly lower in hypertensives than in normotensives as the exercise was graded up.
3. Absolute blood pressures in hypertensives was significantly higher than in normotensives before, during, and after exercise(p<0.05). but the rate of increase of systolic blood pressures was much lower than in normotensives as the exercise was graded up, and diastolic blood pressures were slightly down at initial on exercise but tended to come back to the level of the resting blood pressures according to the progression toward the end of the exercise.
4. Myocardial oxygen consumption in hypertensives was significantly higher than in normotensives before, during, after exercise, but tended to decrease in the rate of increase of myocardial oxygen consumption as the exercise graded up.
5. Heart rate in hypertensive group beyond the normal range of total cholesterol was significantly lower than in hypertensive group of the normal range of total cholesterol during exercise and after exercise(p<0.05), and the group of high lipid concentrations was showen to have slightly the low rate of increase of heart rate.
6. In hypertensives, the group beyond normal TCH/HDL-C concentrations was significantly higher than the normal range of TCH/HDL-C in absolute blood pressures(p<0.05) before and after exercise(p<0.05). Incontrast, the rate of increase of systolic blood pressures and diastolic blood pressures during exercise was slightly lower in group beyond normal range of lipid concentrations than in normal range of lipid concentrations.
7. In hypertensives, myocardial oxygen consumption in group of high TG concentration(18.7±0.98 beats/min mmHg) was significantly lower than in group of normal TG concentrations(23.1±1.54beats/min mmHg) during exercise(p<0.05), and the rate of increase of myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise tended to be slightly down.
In conclusion, the hypertensives with high serum lipid concentration has showen their high blood pressures, especially in diastolic blood pressure before, after and during exercise. But, the rate of increase of the heart rate, the blood pressure and myocardial oxygen demand during exercise had the tendency to be slightly decreased. This decreasement may result from the dysfunction of ventricle and sympathetic nervous system due to high blood pressure of hypertensives with high lipid concentration.
In particular, TCH, TCH/HDL-C and TG among the ingredients of serum lipids may be influence on each heart rate, blood pressure and myocardial oxygen consumption of hypertensives.
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The Study on Oxygen Uptake and Cardiopulmonary Function According to the Exercise Stride Difference 자연과학편 : 운동보폭차에 따른 산소섭취량 및 심폐기능에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to show the efficiency of stride and momentum through the analysis of cardiorespiratory function(VO₂, VCO₂, VE, RR) and cardiopulmonary function(HR, SBP, DBP) on stride difference at the equal velocity of coincidental walking and jogging.
The 20 male students in physical education are selected to perform WI, WII and JI, JII at 3.5mph and 4.0mph for 3 minutes.
The conclusions are as follows.
1. The analysis of cardiorespiratory function
(1) VO₂ is ranked order of JII, JI, WI and WII but considerable increase in jogging. Significant difference in groups and treats(P<0.001).
(2) VCO₂ rarely shows difference in WI and WII but significant increase in JI and JII from 3.5mph and 4.0mph. Significant different in groups and treats (P<0.001).
(3) Ventilation is ranked in order of JII, JI, WII and WI but little difference because 1.41% increase at 3.5mph, 1.8% increase at 4.0mph in WII than WI. Considerable increase to 49.29±7.53L/min at 3.5mph and to 55.50±8.97L/min at 4.0mph in Jogging. Significant difference in groups and treats(P<0.001).
(4) Respiratory rate shows increased according to the velocity and stride frequency. No significant difference groups but significant difference treats(P<0.001).
2. The analysis of cardiopulmonary function
(1) Heart rate is ranked in order of JII, JI, WII and WI at 3.5mph and 4.0mph. All ranked. higher in 4.0mph than in 3.5mph. Significant different in groups and treats(P<0.001).
(2) Systolic blood pressure is ranked in order of JII, JI, WII and WI at 4.0mph but no significant difference in groups and treats.
(3) Diastolic blood pressure is ranked in order of WI, WII and JI, JII at 3.5mph but no significant difference in groups and treats.
Key Words
High Energy Phosphorus Metabolism Sustained Isometric Contraction of Skeletal Muscle 자연과학편 : 지속적 등척성운동에 의한 생체내 골격근 섬유의 고 에너지 인(P) 대사 변화
In vivo 31P NMR spectroscopic study of forearm wrist flexor muscles was performed in two groups of volunteers composed contraction of 6 sedentaries and 6 oarsmen. A continuous isometric contraction of endurance exercises was adopted in oder to assess the endurance capacity and recovery potential of skeletal muscles. Differences in high energy phosphorus metabolism between the sedentaries and oarsmen were evaluated with an emphasis on the intracellular pH and Pi/PCr ratio ad indicators of high energy phosphorus metabolism. There were differences of baseline pH and Pi/PCr ratio between the two groups. The sedentaries sustained the exercise at a more acidic intracellular pH and at a higher Pi/PCr ratio of intracellular conditions for an all-out than did the oarsmen. The recovery rate of pH shows no differences between the two groups.
There was a tendency of faster recovery of Pi/PCr in oarsmen showing half recovery time (T1/2) of seconds as compared to that of oarsmen. The recovery rate of Pi/PCr as a function of Pi/PCr ratio at a given period of time was significantly faster in sedentaries than in oarsmen (P<0.05). The correlation coefficient of the recovery rate of Pi/PCr against the Pi/PCr ratio was and respectively for the sedentaries and oarsmen to the heavy exercise.
The pH and the Pi/PCr ratio at an all-out state can be used as indicators of endurance capacity and the recovery rate of Pi/PCr, as a recovery potential of skeletal muscles.
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An Analysis of Determinant Factors of Physical Fitness in Badminton Performance 자연과학편 : 체력요인(體力要因)에 의한 배드민턴 종목(種目)의 경기력(競技力) 결정요인분석(決定要因分析)
박기현KiHyunPark , 송영호YoungHoSong , 강상조SangJoKang
32(1) 381-392, 1993
An Analysis of Determinant Factors of Physical Fitness in Badminton Performance 자연과학편 : 체력요인(體力要因)에 의한 배드민턴 종목(種目)의 경기력(競技力) 결정요인분석(決定要因分析)
박기현KiHyunPark , 송영호YoungHoSong , 강상조SangJoKang
The present study was attempted to identify the changeability of the factorial structure of physical fitness with respect to the skill levels of badminton performance. The selected 9 physical fitness tests were administered to 320(160 males and 160 females) badminton players sampled from elementary, junior high, senior high, and college levels. Principal component analysis with iteration(PA2) was applied for identifying the factorial structure of each selected group. It was concluded that ;
1. Among the factors of physical fitness, power had a significant impact on a badminton performance irrelevant to the levels of skills. The more levels of skills was improved, the more variance of power was gradually increased.
2. Badminton performance was affected by balance, speed and muscular strength irrelevant to the levels of skills. Reaction time and cardiovascular endurance affected the performance of badminton players with the higher skill in a small degree, while muscular strength, power, speed, and balance had an effect on a maximum performance of badminton players with the higher skill.
3. Characteristics of physical fitness needed to decide the performance were differentiated by the initial level of skill and the later level. As the levels of skill were improved, performance had more maximized effect on the motor-related physical fitness than the health-related. Cardiovascular endurance, reaction time, and flexibility were determinant factors of the performance at the initial level, while muscular strength, speed, and balance were determinant factors at the later level.
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Effect of long term drugs ingestion on anaerobic power improvement in modern pentathlone athletes 자연과학편 : 근대5종경기 선수들의 무산소성 파워 능력 향상을 위한 장기간 한방투여에 대한 효과
32(1) 393-399, 1993
Effect of long term drugs ingestion on anaerobic power improvement in modern pentathlone athletes 자연과학편 : 근대5종경기 선수들의 무산소성 파워 능력 향상을 위한 장기간 한방투여에 대한 효과
The purpose of this paper estimated a effects of anaerobic capacity as treatment the yukmi jihwangtang and hyangsapungwisan during eight weeks.
Subjects consisted of 8 elite modern pentathlone athletes.
Subjects devided to two groups(G I : Yukmi jihwangtang ingestion group: G II Hyangsaqungwisan ingestion group).
The results and conclusion of this study obtained as follows.
1. Anaerobic power by yukmi jihwangtang ingestion was not significant difference, compared pre-ingestion with 4 wk. and 8 wk.
2. Anaerobic power by hyangsaqungwisan ingestion was not significant difference follows in gestion period.
3. Anaerobic power between yukmi jihwangtang and hyangsaqungwisan ingestion group not showed significant difference.
This results suggested that treatment of yukmi jihwangtang and hyangsaqungwisan not showed significant improvement in anaerobic power.
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32(1) 401-412, 1993
To investigate the muscle firing timing patterns during the concentric and eccentric contractions may help us understand muscle contraction mechanism in terms of the number of moter units firing, firing frequency and amplitude of the active muscle. To determine how the muscle firing patterns change as the speeds are varied during both concentric and eccentric muscle contraction may answer the question such as which type of muscle contraction is superior to another one and why.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the muscle timing patterns during concentric and eccentric contraction of knee extensor muscle and to determine how the muscle activity timing patterns change as the angular speeds are varied.
Ten healthy subjects each performed the concentric and eccentric movement with the leg lift exercise machine to be investigated muscle firing patterns change as the speed conditions vary at 60% of the maximum load.
The IEMG activity in each of the rectus femoris and vastus medialis was measured for each trial.
The ANOVA test revealed no significant difference in mean and peak values of eccentric muscle contraction across the three different speed condition(60, 120, 180deg/s) from the rectus femoris and vastus medialis. The same results were revealed in mean and peak values of concentric muscle contractions from the recuts femoris, however the same comparision from the vastus medialis muscle there is a significant difference in mean muscle activity(p<.05).
In the comparison between the eccentric and concentric muscle contractions at each speed condition, there was a significant difference. The concentric muscle contractions showed significantly more muscle activity than the eccentric muscle contractions(p<.05).
The comparison of muscle activity between the rectus femoris and vastus medialis revealed that the rectus femoris showed greater muscle activity than vastus medialis.
In conclusion, the results indicated that speed is not a significant factor in influencing the mean and peak values in eccentric muscle contractions. Also, the data supports that eccentric muscle contractions at 60, 120, 180deg/s have less muscle activity than concentric muscle contraction.
Key Words
The Changes of blood components induced by maximal anaerobic exercise 자연과학편 : 최대 무산소성 운동부하시 혈액성분의 변화
양용길YongGilYang , 양성국SungKukYang , 김영선YoungSunKim
32(1) 413-417, 1993
The Changes of blood components induced by maximal anaerobic exercise 자연과학편 : 최대 무산소성 운동부하시 혈액성분의 변화
양용길YongGilYang , 양성국SungKukYang , 김영선YoungSunKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of blood components induced after strenuous anaerobic exercise.
The subjects participated in highly trained athletes(Modern pentathlon, n=8).
The results and conclusion of this paper were as follows.
1. White blood cell(WBC) after anaerobic exercise load was shown in significant increase levels(0.001), compared with resting level.
2. Mean corpuscular volume(MCV), Red blood cell(RBC), Hemoglobin(Hb) and Hematocrit (Hct) after anaerobic exercise load were not significant difference, compared with resting values.
Key Words
A comparative Study of Work and Leisure Attitudes according to Age 자연과학편 : 연령별(年齡別) 여가(餘暇)와 일의 태도(態度)에 관한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)
이영기YoungKeeLee , 이종경JongKyungLee
32(1) 419-427, 1993
A comparative Study of Work and Leisure Attitudes according to Age 자연과학편 : 연령별(年齡別) 여가(餘暇)와 일의 태도(態度)에 관한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)
이영기YoungKeeLee , 이종경JongKyungLee
The purpose of this study is to make a comparative analysis of the work and the leisure attitudes, and to build up the conception of work and leisure by quantitative or positivistic approach. The total subjects participated in the study were 820: 440 male, 380 female all over the country.
On the basis of the analyzed data, the following conclusions were drawn:
First, the group aging twenties perceived the leisure attitude the most positively, the thirties, the fifties in order. The group aging forties perceived the leisure attitude the lowest positively. I think it is because the forties have too much work.
Second, the estimate of the total leisure attitude was shown to be the significant difference level of P<.001. Therefore, the selective leisure education should be done according to the generation.
Third, the group aging twenties perceived the work the most positively, the teens, the thirties in order. The group aging forties perceived the lowest positively.
Fourth, the total mean of the attitude of the work was not shown to be the significant difference level of P<.05, but in the each item analysis, there are five items showing the significant difference.
Fifth, the difference of the estimate between work and leisure is large, so we accept Wilensky’s compensation theory and had better diminish the negative attitude throuth leisure.
Sixth, all the groups preferred leisure to work, so the protestantism, i.e, emphasis on work and negligence of leisure is being denied. It is known the leisure is percevied positively and preferably than work because of the increase of income and socio-cultural transition.
Key Words
The changes of blood lipid components at rest and after maximal exercise load in long distance runners and weight lifters 자연과학편 : 장거리선수와 역도선수들의 안정시 및 최대 운동부하후 혈중 지질성분의 변화
32(1) 429-436, 1993
The changes of blood lipid components at rest and after maximal exercise load in long distance runners and weight lifters 자연과학편 : 장거리선수와 역도선수들의 안정시 및 최대 운동부하후 혈중 지질성분의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of rest and immediately after incrementally maximal aerobic exercise with bicycle ergometer on triglyceride(TG), HDL and, total cholesterol(TC) in long distance runners(n=6)and weight lifters(n=6).
The results of test were summarized as follows.
1. There was no significant difference in the concentration of TG, HDL and TC in both groups at rest but TC was low level in both groups.
2. There was no significant difference in TC, TG and HDL concentration of both groups immediately after exercise. But compared with pre-exercise, the concentration of TC, HDL, was increased and TG was decreased immediately after exercise.
Above mentioned results, there was no significant difference in changes of blood lipid components between long distance runners and weight lifters. But considering characteristics of athletics lipid components, endurance training led to prevent cornary heart disease(CHD) when it keep to optimal levels of blood lipid.
Key Words
Change of the Ocular Muscles and Refraction of Myopic Dog through Eye Exercise 자연과학편 : 안구운동(眼球運動)에 의한 근시(近視)인 개(犬)의 안근(眼筋)과 굴절(屈折)의 변화(變化)
김창규ChangKewKim , 박기호GeeHoPark
32(1) 437-446, 1993
Change of the Ocular Muscles and Refraction of Myopic Dog through Eye Exercise 자연과학편 : 안구운동(眼球運動)에 의한 근시(近視)인 개(犬)의 안근(眼筋)과 굴절(屈折)의 변화(變化)
김창규ChangKewKim , 박기호GeeHoPark
The purpose of this study was to clarify validity of eye exercise on myopia, Subjects were sixteen eyes of myopic dog for two month. The distribution ratio between ST & FT of superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles was analysed in comparison with the change of vertical refraction. The experimental group were traind to eye exercise for 4 and 8 weeks, but the control group were not.
Eye exercise program were composed of saccadic, smooth persuti and vestibular exercise. Vertical refraction was measured by use of retinoscopy and trial lens at 2/3 M. The distribution ratio between ST & FT of superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles was measured and stained by myosin APT technic on the pH 10.3, 4.6, 4.3. The results were as follow:
(1) The difference of vertical refraction between groups did`t have any significance in respect of the peroid such as 4 and 8 weeks. But the 8-week eye exercise made the increase of myopic phenomenon more weak for the experimental group than for the control group, which showed the tendency of effects of eye exercise the change of control group was significant on p<0.001. experimental group were p<0.05 for 8 weeks which difference of two group were great. The tendency of effects of eye exercise were showed.
(2) The difference of the ratio between ST and FT of two groups didn`t have any significance in respect of the period such as 4 and 8 weeks. But the 4-week eye exercise increased the ratio of FT of the superior rectus muscle in the experimental group but decreased it in the control group, which showed the tendency of effect of eye exercise.